Can I view my CLUE report online?
You can view your CLUE report online by going to the LexisNexis website and filling out their electronic request form. LexisNexis is the consumer reporting agency that produces CLUE reports to provide information about individuals and properties to organizations like banks and insurance companies.
How can I obtain a copy of my C.L.U.E. report? Under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, you can request a copy of your C.L.U.E. report from LexisNexis® toll free at 1-866-312-8076 or by visiting
What does a CLUE report show?
A Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (CLUE) report discloses any insurance claims made by a policyholder in recent years on your potential home or vehicle. For example, a CLUE report will show if a policyholder filed a claim for damage after a storm or fire, or if the car was involved in an accident.
What is property insurance evidence?
Evidence of insurance forms are used to show the types of first party coverages an individual or entity has. First party coverages protect the insured from losses resulting from injuries to themselves and damages to their belongings and property.
How long does it take to get CLUE report?
about 7-10 days
The report takes about 7-10 days via mail or 3 days via email. You can also request a report by calling 1-866-312-8076. A home buyer can ask the home seller to request the report as part of the sale. Homeowners can ask their insurer whether information from a C.L.U.E.
What does clue only mean on insurance?
Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange
C.L.U.E. (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange) is a claims history database produced by consumer reporting agency LexisNexis® that enables insurance companies to access consumer claims information when they are underwriting or rating an insurance policy.
CAN I GET A CLUE report on a house I want to buy?
A C.L.U.E. report can only be requested by the owner of a property or an insurer, so if you are planning to buy a home and want to review a C.L.U.E. report, you will have to ask the owner to request it.
Do all insurance companies use clue?
Insurers submit insurance claims information to the C.L.U.E. database on a daily and weekly basis. Not all insurers use the service, but most do, says a LexisNexis spokesperson. When you apply for auto or homeowners insurance, you authorize insurers to check your records at consumer reporting agencies.
What is an evidence of insurance form?
Certificates of insurance, evidence of coverage forms and binders (collectively hereafter referred to as “certificates of insurance”) are intended to summarize insurance policies, including liability limits, in lieu of providing the actual polices to insureds or third parties as proof of coverage.
How do you fix a CLUE report?
How to fix your CLUE report. If you discover an error on your CLUE report, for example, an invalid claim report or an incorrect loss payment, you can contact LexisNexis directly by calling 888-497-0011 or 866-312-8076 and report the problem.
What could happen if a buyer does not require the seller to order a CLUE report before closing?
Without a C.L.U.E. report, a buyer may not discover a problem with the house until the deal has progressed to closing, when the insurance cost comes in much higher than expected or when the insurance company refuses to insure at all.