What is online medical direction?
Direct medical oversight, or online medical direction, involves real-time communications with EMS providers caring for a patient on an emergency scene or en route to the destination facility.
What is the difference between offline and online medical direction?
The difference between online (direct) and off-line (indirect) medical direction is that A. off-line medical direction does not need protocols. B. off-line orders are given by the on-duty physician, usually over the radio or phone.
What are the 2 types of medical direction?
Answer: B – The two types of EMS medical direction are on-line and off-line. On-line medical directions include those given by telephone, cell phone, and satellite phone. Off-line directions include standing orders and pre-existing protocols.
What is medical direction and why is it necessary?
Medical direction is an essential component of a pre-hospital care system. It is a method of ensuring quality and accountability of the care provided and thus provides a method of risk management for the system.
What is the reason for using online medical direction?
Medical direction, or online medical direction, allows a paramedic or emergency medical technician (EMT) to contact a physician from the field via radio or other means to obtain instructions on further care of a patient.
What is the difference between medical direction and supervision?
Medical supervision occurs when the physician is not able to meet all seven steps of medical direction, performs a task that is not permitted while medically directing, or is involved in more than four concurrent cases.
What is prospective medical direction?
Prospective Medical Direction. Physician guidance of emergency medical care through protocols or standing orders, rather than through direct, real time contact with EMS providers.
Which of the following is an example of online medical direction?
Examples of Online medical direction in a sentence On-line medical direction, via radio or telephone, of field personnel at the site of the emergency and en route to a hospital emergency department. On-line medical direction by a base/modified base hospital physician or base hospital MICN.
What type of medical direction do standing orders and protocols describe?
Off-line medical direction- An EMS system’s written standing orders and protocols, which authorize personnel to perform particular skills in certain situations without actually speaking to the medical director or her designated agent.
What is retrospective medical direction?
Retrospective medical direction consists of field assessment form review, base hospital case review, and system and statistical review. In order for this process to be valid, the collection and recording of data and of care provided (including run sheets) must be accurate, complete, and readily available.
What type of medical direction do standing orders and protocols describe quizlet?
According to the National EMS Scope of Practice Model, an EMT would require special permission from the medical director and the state EMS office in order to: perform blood glucose monitoring. What type of medical direction do standing orders and protocols describe? off-line.
What is medical direction?
Medical direction means direction, advice, or orders provided by a medical director, supervising physician, or physician designee (in accordance with written parameters and protocols) to emergency medical care personnel.
What is direct medical oversight and online medical direction?
Direct medical oversight, or online medical direction, involves real-time communications with EMS providers caring for a patient on an emergency scene or en route to the destination facility.
What is offline medical direction?
Offline medical direction means medical direction that does not involve voice communication provided to EMTs providing direct patient care. Off-line medical direction can be accomplished through both prospective and retrospective methods.
What is online medical direction BEMs?
Medical Direction (Online, Direct Medical Control) On-line medical direction is the medical direction provided directly to out-of-hospital providers by the medical director or designee, as defined in the BEMS approved medical control plan, generally in an emergency situation, either on-scene or by direct voice communication.