What is a PE catheter?
Catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT) is one of the newest treatment options for massive and submassive pulmonary embolisms with hemodynamic instability. [1] CDT involves the infusion of a thrombolytic agent intravascularly adjacent to the clot burden through a percutaneous transcatheter.
When do you use EKOS?
The EKOS catheter is comprised of two parts: the Infusion catheter and the ultrasonic core. EKOS was the first interventional device indicated for the treatment of pulmonary embolism. EKOS is used for the infusion of physician-specified fluids, including thrombolytics, into the peripheral vasculature.
Where is EKOS catheter inserted?
This is usually at your groin or behind your knee, depending on the clots location. An Interventional Radiologist will insert the long, thin tube into a blood vessel. The tube is then directed to the general area of the clot.
Is Ekos venous or arterial?
The EKOSĀ® system is available for the treatment of pulmonary embolism (PE), deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and peripheral arterial occlusions. EKOSĀ® makes the clot become permeable.
How often are pulmonary embolisms asymptomatic?
This dilemma is illustrated in the recent data from the French Registry of venous thromboembolic diseases that includes 387 patients with PE. 23 In symptomatic patients, 87% had dyspnea, a prevalence similar to that noted in previous studies (Table 1); however, 34% of patients were asymptomatic.
How do you remove a pulmonary embolism?
Clot removal. If you have a very large, life-threatening clot in your lung, your doctor may suggest removing it via a thin, flexible tube (catheter) threaded through your blood vessels.
What is a thrombolysis catheter?
A catheter used for thrombolysis is a long, thin, hollow plastic tube, about as thick as a strand of spaghetti. These catheters are designed to deliver blood dissolving medications effectively within the blood clot. Medical devices can also dissolve the clots mechanically.
How effective is Ekos?
A retrospective study by Kennedy et al,8 as well as the ULTIMA trial,9 has shown that pharmacomechanical thrombolysis for acute PE using the EkoSonic ultrasound-enhanced infusion system (EKOS-BTG, Bothell, WA) is both safe and effective at reversing RV dysfunction at 24 hours and 90 days, without the reported risks of …
Where is EKOS catheter placed?